Looking for fun and interactive programs that encourage family learning and foster early environmental awareness? The Virginia Zoo’s Early Childhood Programs offer opportunities for toddler to pre-school age children and their caregivers. Come discover the natural world through play, stories, animal encounters, and more! Each month will have a new theme and different activities! 

Woman reads a book to a group of children


Zoo Tales

Join the Education Department for a storybook adventure. The program features animal stories, educational activities, and maybe even an animal visitor!

These programs are included with Zoo admission.

  • Every Thursday 11:00am-11:30am
  • First Saturday of each month


Taking the best parts of Zoo Tykes, our early-childhood program, and Running Wild, our nature play program, WILD TYKES is a new program recommended for kids aged 3-5 and their favorite adults! Each program will feature age-appropriate nature and science activities that focus on these core areas: sensory, movement, free play, art, and problem-solving. We won’t be afraid to get a little dirty as we explore and play together! 

Wild Tykes will start again on April 17 in the Run Wild: Nature Discovery Zone from 9:30am – 10:30am.


  • April 17
  • May 3
  • May 15
  • June 7
  • June 19
  • July 5
  • July 17
  • August 2
  • August 21
  • September 6
  • September 18
  • October 30

Want to learn a little more about the plants and animals around the Virginia Zoo? Download the app “Seek by iNaturalist” to identify different species in a snap!