Happy Birthday Guntur!

We are celebrating Guntur’s 1st birthday! Guntur, a male siamang, was born November 21, 2014. Mother Hitam came to the Virginia Zoo from the San Diego Zoo, while father Bali came from Howletts Wild Animal Park in England. Guntur was the second baby for Hitam and Bali. Big sister Lola was born in 2012 and can be seen with the rest of the family.

What’s 1-year-old Guntur up to?

According to Lead Asia Zookeeper Jill Tarrant, Guntur is becoming more adventurous. He spends a fair amount of time exploring the dayroom and outside exhibit. He seems to be more confident in the dayroom and ventures farther away from mom. He is starting to “play” more with his big sister, Lola, and dad, Bali. He is swinging and climbing on the ropes and branches as he continues to get stronger and stronger. However, when he goes out on the island (via the rope) he is always hanging on to mom, Hitam.

Guntur still nurses but is nibbling/eating on the regular Siamang diet of greens, fruit, and veggies.

Guntur means “thunder” in Malay. Malay is the language of Southeast Asia, where siamangs – tailless, black-furred gibbons – are indigenous to the rainforests.

Be sure to swing by and wish Guntur a very wild 1st birthday on Saturday, November 21!