Wild Walks
Interested in learning more about our animals, habitats, and Zoo conservation? Join us for a free, guided 60-minute tour at 10 am led by Education staff every Wednesday. The topics […]
Interested in learning more about our animals, habitats, and Zoo conservation? Join us for a free, guided 60-minute tour at 10 am led by Education staff every Wednesday. The topics […]
Interested in learning more about our animals, habitats, and Zoo conservation? Join us for a free, guided 60-minute tour at 10 am led by Education staff every Wednesday. The topics […]
It's CyBEAR Monday. Take advantage of our CyBEAR Monday deal: 20% OFF any Zoodoption level! Zoodoption packages make perfect gifts for people of all ages; become a Zoo Parent to […]
Giving Tuesday, or Giving Zooday as we call it in the animal kingdom, is TODAY! This year, on Giving Tuesday the Virginia Zoo will asking for your support.Choose your team […]
Interested in learning more about our animals, habitats, and Zoo conservation? Join us for a free, guided 60-minute tour at 10 am led by Education staff every Wednesday. The topics […]
Nauticus Members Visiting the Zoo in January, the following benefits await: Free General Admission ● Nauticus members enjoy free general admission each day. Must show a Nauticus membership card […]
Virginia Zoo members visiting the Science Museum: (January Hours Tuesday-Sunday from 9:30-5) Virginia Zoo members will enjoy $10 admission when they visit the Science Museum of Virginia in January […]
Are you a young professional with a passion for saving the world's wildlife? As a member of GenZoo, you'll join peers with similar goals in helping to advance the Virginia […]
Zoo Members visiting the Norfolk Botanical Garden: Virginia Zoo members who visit Norfolk Botanical Garden will receive free admission for up to 6 guests total depending on membership level. […]
Join us on March 6th for Homeschool Day at the Virginia Zoo! From 10am-2pm, we will bring learning to life with animal chats and encounters throughout the Zoo. This event […]