CONSTRUCTION ALERT: “Asia: Trail of the Tiger” under partial closure. Click Here for More Information.

Wild Walks

Interested in learning more about our animals, habitats, and Zoo conservation? Join us for a free, guided 60-minute tour at 10 am led by Education staff every Wednesday. The topics […]

Wild Walks

Interested in learning more about our animals, habitats, and Zoo conservation? Join us for a free, guided 60-minute tour at 10 am led by Education staff every Wednesday. The topics […]

CyBEAR Monday

It's CyBEAR Monday. Take advantage of our CyBEAR Monday deal: 20% OFF any Zoodoption level! Zoodoption packages make perfect gifts for people of all ages; become a Zoo Parent to […]

Giving ZooDay

Giving Tuesday, or Giving Zooday as we call it in the animal kingdom, is TODAY! This year, on Giving Tuesday the Virginia Zoo will asking for your support.Choose your team […]

Wild Walks

Interested in learning more about our animals, habitats, and Zoo conservation? Join us for a free, guided 60-minute tour at 10 am led by Education staff every Wednesday. The topics […]

Nauticus Member Swap

Nauticus Members Visiting the Zoo in January, the following benefits await: 🦁 Free General Admission ● Nauticus members enjoy free general admission each day. Must show a Nauticus membership card […]

Science Museum of Virginia Membership Swap

Virginia Zoo members visiting the Science Museum: (January Hours Tuesday-Sunday from 9:30-5) 🧬 Virginia Zoo members will enjoy $10 admission when they visit the Science Museum of Virginia in January […]

GenZoo Launch Event

Are you a young professional with a passion for saving the world's wildlife? As a member of GenZoo, you'll join peers with similar goals in helping to advance the Virginia […]

Norfolk Botanical Garden Membership Swap

Zoo Members visiting the Norfolk Botanical Garden: 🌷 Virginia Zoo members who visit Norfolk Botanical Garden will receive free admission for up to 6 guests total depending on membership level. […]

Homeschool Day

Join us on March 6th for Homeschool Day at the Virginia Zoo! From 10am-2pm, we will bring learning to life with animal chats and encounters throughout the Zoo. This event […]