August 10, 2020
lion laying on ground
Of all the cat species in the world, lions probably best embody the idea of “teamwork makes the dream work!” Most felines are solitary, often...
July 28, 2020
Mealworms. Worms for a meal. It’s as basic as it gets, but for many animals at the Virginia Zoo, these bugs are a delicacy and a main component...
July 22, 2020
zoo keeper holds alligator snapping turtle with mouth open
Name: Yidaro, formerly Lord Fairfax Sex: Male Species: Alligator snapping turtle Age: Unknown Weight: 64.9 pounds Reason for Visit: Entrance Wellness...
July 16, 2020
There are more than 3,000 species of snake spread out across every continent except Antarctica, and of those thousands, only a fraction are venomous....
June 26, 2020
red and peach colored flowers among greenery with kugel ball in background
Happy Pollinator Week! This week, we celebrate all those animals who provide some amazing ecosystem services by acting as pollinators! When you think...
June 8, 2020
seahorse holding onto coral
Today is World Oceans Day! While the Virginia Zoo doesn’t have as many aquatic animals as our friends over at the Virginia Aquarium, there is...
June 4, 2020
Despite the Zoo closing in mid-March due to the pandemic, big things have still been happening. We’re making plans for an official reopening, the...
June 1, 2020
newborn giraffe calf standing next to mom
The Virginia Zoo welcomed a Masai giraffe calf on May 26, 2020. At birth, the baby weighed 146 pounds, and stood about six feet tall. Mom, Noelle, is...
May 28, 2020
No birthday at the Zoo goes unnoticed by Chef Yohn, and Pepper the orangutan’s 40th birthday was no exception. Even though Zoo Fans had to...