Slender-Tailed Meerkat
*This page is under renovation and all information may not be up-to-date or complete*
Meerkats have light brown to grey fur and dark skin, with markings around their eyes to protect against the bright glare of the African sun. They have long claws and a narrow snout to dig and sniff out insects in the tightest of spaces.
Range & Habitat
They can be found in Angola, Botswana, Namibia, & South Africa.
Meerkats live in large groups called ‘mobs’ that average about 15-20 individuals. Together, they sunbathe, forage, groom, and protect each other.
These animals are omnivores, more specifically insectivores eating mainly beetles, beetle larvae, and butterfly larvae. Occasionally they will eat lizards, small snakes, birds, eggs, or mice.
Though listed as least concern, the population is suspected to be undergoing slow declines owing to deforestation of its primary forest habitat
Fun Facts
- The young meerkats are cared for by a babysitter who plays with them and feeds them, remaining alert to danger.
- Meerkats are immune to scorpion venom.
Virginia Zoo Animals
Males: Hardy (born: 8/26/2012) & Amadi (born – 1/15/2012)

Scientific Name
Suricata suricatta
IUCN Conservation Status
Least Concern
10-12 inches long, 7-9 inch tail, weigh 2-3 pounds
Life Expectancy
8-15 years