GenZoo is a group of young professionals dedicated to continuing the mission of the Virginia Zoo of engaging our community in taking action to save the world’s wildlife and their ecosystems. The mission of GenZoo is to increase opportunities for young leaders, to build relationships, expand their skills, and advance their careers while advocating and volunteering to advance the mission of the Virginia Zoo: The Virginia Zoo is committed to engaging our community in taking action to save the world’s wildlife and their ecosystems.

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GENZOO Board Members
PRESIDENT James Swindell – Seven Venues
FORMER PRESIDENT Melissa Ramsey – Rivers Casino Portsmouth
SECRETARY Taryn Gisbert – Right Management
Carley Church – Get’em Services
Josh Lipchitz – Gentry Locke Attorneys
Lindsey Cunningham – Veterinary Staffing Pros
Ann Marie Woyma – Virginia Beach SPCA
Manda Apiag – Virginia Beach SPCA