Rhinoceros Hornbill
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Rhinoceros hornbills have black feathers with white legs, a white tail with a black band, and a unique bill. Their bright yellow-orange casque, the hollow “horn” on top of their bill, is made of keratin and is thought to help amplify their loud calls
Male rhinoceros hornbills have red eyes with a black rim around them, while female have red-rimmed white or light blue eyes.
Range & Habitat
The rhinoceros hornbill is one of the largest hornbills and is found only in the rain forest in Southeast Asia, the Malay Peninsula, and the islands of Sumatra, Borneo, and Java.
Nesting behavior of these birds is unique. The male feeds the female while she incubates eggs and raises chicks inside of a tree hollow. After the eggs are laid, the female seals the tree cavity with feces, leaving only a small hole for the male to feed the female (and later chicks) inside.
These birds are omnivorous, eating fruits, nuts, and small animals, such as lizards, birds, and insects.
Threats are forest destruction in the Sundaic lowlands of Indonesia that have been extensive as a result of commercial and illegal logging, as well as agricultural development. They are also hunted to make jewelry and ornaments from their large beaks and casques.
Fun Facts
- The rhinoceros hornbill represents the “war god” in parts of its range
- Rhinoceros hornbills are the state bird of Sarawak in Malaysia.
Virginia Zoo Animals
Male: Riobi (hatched: 3/8/2008)
Female: Phoenix (hatched: 5/20/2012)

Scientific Name
Buceros rhinoceros silvestrisus
IUCN Conservation Status
36-48 inches long, weigh 4.4-4.6 pounds
Life Expectancy
35 years in human care