Patagonian Cavy

*This page is under renovation and all information may not be up-to-date or complete*


Patagonian cavy are rodents with long legs and a body similar to hoofed animals. They have a grayish-brown coat with a white patch on their chest and stomach and orange fur around their head.

Range & Habitat

Patagonian cavy are only found in central and southern Argentina. They live arid grasslands and shrublands without trees.


Cavies move by walking, hopping like a rabbit, galloping, or stotting, which is a unique movement where they bounce on all fours.


Cavies primarily eat grasses, but they also consume cacti, seeds, fruit, and flowers.

At the Zoo they eat …


Major threats are destruction, degradation and fragmentation of their habitats, as well as hunting.

Fun Facts

  • Cavies are fast runners, reaching speeds of up to 35 miles per hour.
  • Cavies have four clawed toes on their front feet for digging, while their hind feet have only three toes.
  • Patagonian cavies may also be called “maras” or “dillabies”.

Virginia Zoo Animals

  • Violet
  • Dash
  • Sherbet
  • Red
A Patagonian Cavy living at the Virginia Zoo