Malayan Tiger
*This page is under renovation and all information may not be up-to-date or complete*
These tigers are the smallest of the five remaining tiger subspecies. There is still very little known about this very rare tiger subspecies.
Range & Habitat
Malayan tigers are found in the tropical forest of the southern and central parts of the Malay Peninsula.
Tigers are mostly nocturnal and are ambush predators that rely on their stripes for camouflage. They are also very good swimmers. Tigers are mainly solitary, except during mating season and females with young offspring.
Malayan tigers prey upon deer, wild boar, birds, reptiles, and virtually any other animal they can overpower, including sun bear, water buffalo, and Asian elephant calves. They may travel up to 20 miles in search of a meal. Tigers requires about 12-15 pounds of protein a day, but they can eat around 70 pounds of meat during each meal.
The primary threats to Malayan tigers in the wild are illegal hunting and trading of their bones for medicine and wealth. There are thought to be about 250-340 Malayan tigers remaining in the wild.
Fun Facts
- Tigers are generally solitary, with adults maintaining exclusive territories, or home ranges.
Virginia Zoo Animals
Male: Christopher (born: 4/1/2011)
Female: Cahaya (born: 5/12/2020)

Scientific Name
Panthera tigris jacksoni
IUCN Conservation Status
Critically Endangered
Males: almost 8 ft. in length and 220-300 lbs.
Females: approximately 6.5 ft. in length and 165-245 lbs.
Life Expectancy
15 – 20 years