32 Search Results Found For: "animeals"

July 13, 2018
We celebrate animal birthdays pretty often at the Virginia Zoo, and this week Chef Yohn got involved to create something tasty for the African lions...
June 15, 2018
Tree shrews have a symbiotic relationship with pitcher plants. These carnivorous plants offer yummy nectar and insects for the tree shrews to eat,...
May 24, 2018
May 23 was World Turtle Day and the Virginia Zoo’s diet expert Chef Yohn shellebrated with some turtley awesome Animeals for two of our...
February 16, 2018
Sometimes Zoo Chef Yohn gets to be creative with food by making special treats for the animals, but on most days he spends his time slicing, dicing...
July 20, 2017
WARNING: Do not read this blog if you are: a person, hungry, if you like food, or all of the above. Why? Because Chef Yohn made a delectable dish...
July 17, 2017
Satellite image of Virginia Zoo
Each year the third week in July is National Zoo Keeper Week! As the need to protect and preserve our wildlife and vanishing habitats has increased,...
June 28, 2017
Solaris, one of the Virginia Zoo’s four orangutans, celebrated his 14th birthday on June 22. Chef Yohn, with the help of Zoo Keepers, always...
June 1, 2017
If you’re a human, and chances are you are, you’ve either eaten or heard of Hot Pockets, the quick microwaveable sandwich that 99% of the...