Community Science

The Virginia Zoo has signed on as a program partner for the AZA SAFE North American Monarch program. As a program partner, the Zoo will be continuing to create and maintain habitat for monarchs on Zoo property, advocating for laws and regulations that help monarch populations, and participating in community science projects to help document monarch populations. Click here to be added to our mailing list to find out when volunteers can assist!

Started in 2016 by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and California Academy of Sciences, this nationwide Bio-Blitz engages residents and visitors in documenting nature to better understand urban biodiversity. The Virginia Zoo, Virginia Aquarium and Virginia Living Museum will be banding together to spearhead the challenge for Hampton Roads as a first-time participant. Look for more information coming early spring 2021.

FrogWatch USA™ is a long-term citizen science monitoring program of frogs and toads. As a volunteer-based monitoring program, FrogWatch gives citizens across the country an opportunity to collect local data and gather information to help combat the global decline of amphibians. The Virginia Zoo’s FrogWatch chapter has given individuals and families the opportunity to learn about the wetlands in our community and help conserve the future of many amphibians by reporting the calls of local frogs and toads. Check the Event Calendar for upcoming FrogWatch events.

In 2020, staff and volunteers began collecting data for a community science project called Caterpillars Count. The data collected here on Zoo grounds will help scientists at North Carolina State University in their research on the effects of climate change on plants, insects, and birds. The Virginia Zoo’s Education staff will continue the project in 2021.