CONSTRUCTION ALERT: “Asia: Trail of the Tiger” under partial closure. Click Here for More Information.

Zoo Tales

Join us for our popular story-time program, Zoo Tales! Each week features two new stories and an animal encounter with a zoo animal ambassador, all related to a changing monthly theme! See signs posted in the Zoo's Fountain Plaza to find out the location of Zoo Tales on the day of your visit. Free with general […]

Train Rides with Santa

Climb aboard the Virginia Zoo Holiday Express to savor the magic of the holiday season and take a *photo with Santa! Holiday train rides will be offered throughout December from 11am-2pm, weather permitting.** *Photos with Santa included with price of train ride. Photos are self-serve.**Train cannot operate below 45 degrees. Train rides are $3 and […]

Zoo Tales

Join us for our popular story-time program, Zoo Tales! Each week features two new stories and an animal encounter with a zoo animal ambassador, all related to a changing monthly theme! See signs posted in the Zoo's Fountain Plaza to find out the location of Zoo Tales on the day of your visit. Free with general […]

Canceled Train Rides with Santa

Climb aboard the Virginia Zoo Holiday Express to savor the magic of the holiday season and take a *photo with Santa! Holiday train rides will be offered throughout December from 11am-2pm, weather permitting.** *Photos with Santa included with price of train ride. Photos are self-serve.**Train cannot operate below 45 degrees. Train rides are $3 and […]

Train Rides with Santa

Climb aboard the Virginia Zoo Holiday Express to savor the magic of the holiday season and take a *photo with Santa! Holiday train rides will be offered throughout December from 11am-2pm, weather permitting.** *Photos with Santa included with price of train ride. Photos are self-serve.**Train cannot operate below 45 degrees. Train rides are $3 and […]

Virginia Zoo Delayed Opening

Hours of Operations Update: On Wednesday, December 18th the Virginia Zoo will be delaying opening until 12pm for guest safety due to time-sensitive maintenance on grounds. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope you will join us for the afternoon! 

Zoo Tales

Join us for our popular story-time program, Zoo Tales! Each week features two new stories and an animal encounter with a zoo animal ambassador, all related to a changing monthly theme! See signs posted in the Zoo's Fountain Plaza to find out the location of Zoo Tales on the day of your visit. Free with general […]

Donation Drive: NACC

On Saturday, December 21st help local animals have a happy howl-iday season by giving to our Norfolk Animal Care Center (NACC) donation drive! The Virginia Zoo is offering one (1) free admission when a guest brings a 5 pound or larger bag of dry pet food (any brand, any flavor, any size animal) or three (3) NEW items off the NACC donation list below: Bring your donation to Norfolk Animal […]

Canceled Train Rides with Santa

Climb aboard the Virginia Zoo Holiday Express to savor the magic of the holiday season and take a *photo with Santa! Holiday train rides will be offered throughout December from 11am-2pm, weather permitting.** *Photos with Santa included with price of train ride. Photos are self-serve.**Train cannot operate below 45 degrees. Train rides are $3 and […]

Canceled Train Rides with Santa

Climb aboard the Virginia Zoo Holiday Express to savor the magic of the holiday season and take a *photo with Santa! Holiday train rides will be offered throughout December from 11am-2pm, weather permitting.** *Photos with Santa included with price of train ride. Photos are self-serve.**Train cannot operate below 45 degrees. Train rides are $3 and […]